1/28/2019 (In Class)

My term: covering

Yoshino talks about covering as “to tone down a disfavored identity to fit into the mainstream” (Barrios 539). Yoshino uses the strategy of defining the term first in his own words so we know what the term covering means to him when he mentions it throughout. Then once he defines the term he goes to talk about examples and famous people who have covered. People like Ramon Estevez who changed his name so that he was able to fit in and change his ethnicity so it was so obvious. This is showing that everyone does actually cover and hides a part of themselves and its not just certain people that do it. Its a definition that when said someone can relate to and understand exactly what it means. Then they can think about somethings they have covered in their life in order to fit in. When I read his definition I was able to understand it and then relate it to myself. I thought of times where I covered parts of myself so I was able to fit in and make friends. Mainstream changes all the time between generations. Something someone may have covered to fit in years ago isn’t the same as today’s age. Everything is changing around us so people have to adapt and cover different things in order to maintain that mainstream appearance. Although even though sometimes we can uncover parts about ourselves because peoples ideas are changing and adapting. I like how even though everything is changing around us this quote will still mean the same thing years from now and wont really adapt because it will be able to stay the same.
