View or review Celeste Headlee TED Talk and write a blog post about how Headlee’s suggestions, especially # 3, 4, 7, 9, apply to the recorded conversation that you’re planning. Remember that it can be either a 1-1 interview or a recorded group conversation. How would these suggestions help you to “make” a better conversation?
In your blog post, write an introduction to your recording, telling your audience what you are hoping to achieve with your conversation, why you chose the interviewee, and who the interviewee is, e.g. a student, my roommate, my mother, etc. These can be tentative plans, but don’t forget to include an introduction in your recording.
In my interview I hope to gain my two friends perspective on how they start a conversation with someone they don’t know. I want to see what will do differently and how they would start talking to someone they don’t know. I also like to see about the type of person they would start a conversation with and if they have a preference. Then I would like to know if they have ever talked to someone they have never met then left with a new perspective on life or some issue.
In Celeste Headlee TED talk she gave great tips on how to have a good conversation and how to get people to respond on the best way during an interview. One big point she mentioned was using open ended questions. I really liked this because it can get the people you are interviewing to open up more and think of more in depth responses instead of just responding with the bare minimum. This also ties into another rule she has of going with the flow. For my interview I will have a set of questions but if one of them says something that sparks interest and is a path I wanna go down then I’m gonna deviate from my questions. ALthough if something starts to die out then I will have my questions to get us back on track. Trying not to repeat myself will be hard to do. I tend to do that alot and one of Celeste rules is do not repeat yourself. I can help this by keeping track of what i’m asking and their responses to it so I can keep the interview interesting. Then the last rule that stuck out to me was the importance of listening. This is something we don’t really do nowadays. We just sit and wait for them to finish their sentence so then we can just talk again. I’m really gonna make sure i’m listening to what they are saying and getting the most out of this experience.