4/1 In Class

How much does identity matter? Why? How would Gay answer? How would Johnson? What would they say to each other?

I think identity matter because as humans we search for something that makes us who we are. We seek answers as to why we look they way we do, why we behave certain ways, why our actions are what they are ect. We see answers so we can understand more about who we are are and give rational when someone else is wondering the same thing. This comes with the idea of identity. Identity gives us the answers we are looking for. It shows us who we are and why we are the way we are. Now identity can change and become different things depending on the person we want to become and is always changing. I think identity matters a lot because without it we would be lost in a world full of people just walking by without a purpose. Without knowing who we are we are lost souls in a world where we are just trying to find a purpose. If you asked Roxane Gay about it I feel she would response saying our identity is what makes us individuals. She was all about have our individuality and not follow a set of instructions that others are trying to follow to be like everyone else. Having an identity makes you who you are and gives you the chance to stand out. Now with Sigrid Johnson I think she would say that having an identity gives us the background and helps us know our path that we walk on. When she got the DNA test back she didn’t know who she was because she lost her identity. She did get it back after knowing that whats on paper doesn’t matter but for that moment she forget her identity and what made her herself. I think to each other they would kinda go back and forth with Gays idea that there should be a mold and anyone can be in whatever category they want even if they don’t fit all the ideas behind it. While Johnson would say that have the ideas would create some instruction to follow and help along the way.
