Artifact #2

I chose to contact Renee Roth the president of Oceans Club because as an animal behavior major i want to focus on marine life in the ocean. The ocean has been some undiscovered mystery for years now. That itself is interesting to me because no one really knows what is out there. I wanted to learn more about this club because then maybe I could join and be around people who really like the ocean too and we could all talk about it or think of ways we want to help. Even though Ocean club is still starting up after having a fall out in the spring of 2017. They are working on rebuilding it back to what it was. The president of the club was in it a couple years ago when it was in full swing and running so she wants to bring that back to the way it was. In the meetings now they are still thinking of what they want to do and are drafting ideas. In the past they have had a speaker come and talk to them about some work that they did. Also, they are still looking for members to help run the club and said if interested we could apply for spots like treasurer. Just to be involved in the club you just have to show up to meetings or sometimes events. You can find their meetings on Wednesdays at 6:30-7:30 in Decary 202A.

If i were to participate in this club from it i could make a lot of new friends that have some of the same liking’s that I do. I could also run for a leadership role which would be fun to be able to say that I was a part of running a club. Just being apart of something that is more than academic could really help me dive into the UNE community. Coming into college as a freshman we are really trying to find our footing. Being apart of clubs is a great way that I can gain my footing and start feeling more like I belong here. Being a part of clubs in college can lead to give great memories that you can look back on. Also if Oceans Club were to do projects that would help benefit UNE. Then years later I could come back and if whatever we did was still up I could say that I was apart of the club that did that. Also, if I was to in my career become someone that helps with marine animals and the ocean I could always come back and maybe talk to new ocean club members and show them what could happen in their future and that goals are attainable.
