Category «Blog ENG 110»

4/29/19 In Class

After reading the Reflection on an Aural Genre document in Week 15, post on the following questions: How did switching genres from academic paper to podcast allow you to think in a different way about the subject of your paper?  How did it allow you to use language differently? Switching from the academic paper to …

4/1 In Class

How much does identity matter? Why? How would Gay answer? How would Johnson? What would they say to each other? I think identity matter because as humans we search for something that makes us who we are. We seek answers as to why we look they way we do, why we behave certain ways, why …


Read Ruth Padawer article “Sigrid Johnson Was Black…”, annotate, and write a blog post about how belonging and autonomy factor into this story. Sigrid Johnson lived a lot of her life thinking she was from this family with her African American and part Native American race from her mother. Her world was turned upside down …


Read “Bad Feminist” by Roxane Gay 168-175.  Annotate and write a blog post interrogating how Gay is responding to the tension between autonomy and belonging.  Is she still a feminist? Is she a bad feminist (169)? The idea of feminism has blown up over the ideas with the thought that women should be treated better. …


Watch the Zarpies video (Bb Week 9) before or after the reading and read The Lies That Bind 25-31.  Write a blog post defining essentialism in your own words. Essentialism to me is the fact that everything is set to be what it is meant to be. If something is an object then it …


Read Appiah from The Lies That Bind 6-20 (handout) and write a Heilker dialogue, focusing on the 3 things identities share.  Give your own example for each. Share in a blog post.   Appiah; “The first obvious identity comes with labels, so understanding identities required first that you have some idea about how to apply …

3/18 In Class

Free write about what your paper is about, what you learned about conversation by recording a conversation, and how what your learned can be (or is) incorporated into your paper.  Then look for a title, 4 or 5 words that signal what your particular paper is about. My paper is about more of the idea …


View or review Celeste Headlee TED Talk and write a blog post about how Headlee’s suggestions, especially # 3, 4, 7, 9, apply to the recorded conversation that you’re planning.  Remember that it can be either a 1-1 interview or a recorded group conversation. How would these suggestions help you to “make” a better conversation? …


Become an expert on your section of Appiah’s “The Primacy of Practice” and post to share with others in your group.  For your section, your job is to understand and explain by looking up unfamiliar words, names, places etc. to be sure you’re clear about the terminology and references Appiah is using.  Your post should …
